2 hours, 32 Minutes.
genre: Drama, Fantasy.
7,7 / 10 stars.
Scores: 99498 Vote.
info: Years after the traumatizing events of The Overlook Hotel, Dan Torrance is now an alcoholic struggling to find a job. He moves to a small town in New Hampshire and becomes "Doctor Sleep". He then meets Abra Stone, a teenager with the brightest shine he's ever seen. When he learns that a cult of evil beings called The True Knot are chasing her with the intent to eat her shine, he does everything in his power to protect her...including returning to The Overlook
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I went to see this movie today, November 8, 2019. I really enjoyed enjoyed this movie, and it was somewhat scary at times. I was disappointed a little by the ending. No going to tell you to spoil it because you will have to see the movie. I've always admired the Scottish actor, Ewan McGregor. I can see the young actress Kyliegh Curran becoming more famous after her being in this movie. Rebecca Ferguson was great in this movie as well.
I thought Doctor Sleep was excellent and underrated. That being said, I thought it was stronger and more interesting with scenes not connected to the Overlook hotel. Favorite scenes: Doc' working in the hospice with the moribunds. On min yi sang. Yes,have Shining 1997. Dont waste your time or money. I nearly left during the movie, it was so very bad. Normal people: That's from The shining. Normies: HeY ThAt's FrOm ReaDy PLaYer One.
On min yi sang mêlé. On min yi sang arabe. I loved the movie. Him looking through the overlook was one of my favorite parts. This movie is absolutely genius.
I kept saying What every 5 seconds. I love that FoundFlix did The Shining first, then 5 days later did Doctor Sleep. Very considerate of him.
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. On min yi sango. Just watched this last night. I loved it. Definitely not given enough press while in the theaters. I was very reluctant to watch this from the moment I heard they were making the movie, and I wouldn't have paid to see it in theaters, but I watched it on cable last night and it wasn't entirely bad. It's only loosely connected to The Shining, and honestly could've been a stand alone movie with no connection whatsoever with a modest re-writing of the script. In fact it kind of felt like a completely separate movie that just cashed in on the name of the original, and wove a little bit of that plot into this one.
Rebecca Ferguson did a great job in the lead role as Rose the Hat, Ewan McGregor was okay in the role of the adult Danny, and the girl who played Abra was fine. The other roles were all pretty forgettable imo. What I didn't like about the movie was the recasting of so many of the principle roles from The Shining with actors you just couldn't accept as replacements for such a legendary movie. There's only one Jack Nicholson, and nobody is like Shelly Duvall (though this actress did her best) or Scatman Cruthers. Also didn't like the boy they cast as the young Danny. Even the smaller roles from The Shining, such as the twin girls, Grady, the crazy decomposing woman in the bathtub, are all so ingrained in our heads after seeing The Shining so many times over the years, it's just impossible to replace them and make it feel right. Apparently they didn't have the budget needed to replace those actors faces digitally. If they had at least done it with Jack and he'd lent his voice for the movie in the brief scene that he had, it would've helped a lot.
Because of all of those things, and the lack of dread and suspense that the original movie brought so well, I can't give Doctor Sleep more than 7 stars. It is worth watching though imo, if you can try not to focus too much on comparing it to The Shining.
The acting of the little girl in the first few scenes was pretty bad but she got better throughout, but one pivotal scene where her dad died, she's like oh... hmm ok well I guess that happened. And other scenes she's apparently not a good on scene crier so they would cut away then cut back to her face flooded with tears. The whole movie was off and very weak feeling for some reason.
Why was this in my recommended? sees Ewan McGregor I force has brought us together.
On min yi sanguine.
On min yi fang.
On min yi sangre.
One of the best horror ntinuation of THE SHINING... On min yi sang bénévole. Now that Ive read the book, I really appreciate this scene. In fact the whole movie is pretty much 80-90% accurate, with some understandable differences. I hate that it didnt do well at the box office. Id love to see a sequel. That taking silent Hill to a new level 😂😂 🤣🤣 😂😂😂 🤣 love love love love the movie 👍👍👍👍👍. On min yi sanglier. When you open up a door and you see naked kermet the frog. Watch Doctor Sleep full movie counter download Watch Doctor Sleep Online Online, Fidelity Labs Movie Watch Doctor Download Watch Movies, Watch.
On min yi. I found her death more satisfying here than in the book but in the book jacks ghost helped him and abra push her to her death.
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